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ASCII text files in columns properly aligns data.


ASCII text files correctly in columns "aligns the data."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Neat columns ASCII text files ALIGN aligns data.
In addition, a comma separated files into columns 2 converts spaces
Between each column. Input fields must be separated
comma or white space. If
or double quotes, or C comments / *
* One / or / are enclosed spaces Areas /. The best way to understand this program is to work
a copy of any ASCII text file, especially one that
contains bad data columns aligned. Seemed
so that the article was justified column, preferably designed for
more numbers. C source is included. Copyright, but
may be distributed freely used for any purpose other than military
To use
align.exe somefile.txt
Microsoft Word documents, do not use ASCII or outside it
You can free download now RTF Align 1.4.

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